Executive Board, Trustees and Shop Stewards
- President – Martin Austin Cell (902) 237-0125 martin.austin84@gmail.com
- Acting-President – John Keirstead Cell: (902) 809-5646 johnkeirstead1@gmail.com
- Vice-President – Steve Kerr Cell: (902) 717-6937 macobre@outlook.com
- Vice-President – John Keirstead Cell (902) 809-5646 johnkeirstead1@gmail.com
- Diversity-Vice-President – Anthony Riley Cell (902) 240-1088 denise.anthony@ns.symaptico.ca
- Secretary-Treasurer – Kristyn Melanson kristynmelanson227@gmail.com
- Term-Secretary Treasurer – Adam Bryson bryson902@hotmail.com
- Recording Secretary – Nick McPherson Cell (902) 229-6657
- Membership Officer – Adam Bryson bryson902@hotmail.ca
- Term-Membership Officer: Joel O’Neil Cell (902) 521-6776 joeloneil21@gmail.com
- 1-Year – Daniel Hooper
- 2-Year – Vacant
- 3-Year – Vacant
Shop Stewards:
- Alex Hines hines_444@hotmail.com
- Chris Huggins Cell: (902) 830-4270 chris.shea.huggins@gmail.com
- Dave Connolly connolly.david.a@gmail.com
- Dylan Litle Dylanlitle@outlook.com
- Gary McPherson Cell: (902) 225-2327 gsmcpherson@gmail.com
- Matt Vautour vautour.matt@icloud.com
- Nick Durant nickwdurant@gmail.com
- Paul Canning paulcanning11@hotmail.com
- Steve Kerr Cell: 902-717-6937 macobre@outlook.com
- Joel O’Neil joel.oneil21@gmail.com
- Daniel Hooper danielghooper@outlook.com
- Nick McPherson Cell: (902) 229-6657
- Adam Bryson bryson902@hotmail.ca
Bargaining Committee (2023):
- Martin Austin (President)
- John Keirstead
- Adam Bryson
- Paul Canning
- Kristyn Surette
Social Committee:
- Kristyn Melanson (2018)
- Joel O’Neil (2019)
- Graham Downey (2020)
- Nick Durant (2022)
Education Committee:
- Chris Huggins (2022)
- Graham Downey (2022)
- Nick McPherson (2024)
Pension & Benefits Committee:
- Gary McPherson (2018)
- Joel O’Neil (2022)
Grievance Committee:
- Kristyn Melanson (Executive)
- John Keirstead (Executive)
- Martin Austin (Executive)
- Joel O’Neil (Executive)
- Anthony Riley (Executive)
- Gary McPherson (Shop Steward) (2023)
- Dylan Litle (Shop Steward) (2023)
- Paul Canning (Shop Steward) (2024)
- Nick Durant (2024)
Labour Management Committee:
- Martin Austin (Executive)
- John Keirstead (Executive)
- Colette Cleary (2024)
- Alan O’Leary (2024)
- Alternates Steve Kerr (2023)
- Alternate: Gary McPherson (2023)
By-Laws Committee:
- Vacant
Job Posting Committee:
- Vacant
Member Principles
The CUPE equality statement, code of conduct, and constitution lay out the basic principles of equality and respect that are at the core of our union.