Second Week of Contract Bargaining Concludes

The CUPE 227 bargaining team met with the Employer Bargaining Team on March 7th and 8th.

At the end of the round, 18 articles were agreed to between the two bargaining teams.

Brad Dale, CUPE Job Evaluation Expert attended on March 8th and presented joint job evaluation information and fielded questions from both bargaining teams.

Bargaining will resume in May, with definitive dates to follow; prior to the May dates, the joint job evaluation project will be worked on.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Team

Kristyn Surette (Utility Operator, Park Ave)
Paul Canning (SDO, Cowie Hill)
Adam Bryson (SDO Spare/Utility Operator, Park Ave)
John Keirstead (PSSP Subforemen, Cowie Hill)
Dwayne Bell (PSSP, Mann St)
Brandon Fields (Utility Technician, Park Ave)
Martin Austin (Process Technician, Community Plants)
Naomi Stewart (CUPE National Representative)